Ervin Murfree

Ervin has expertise in implementing fundraising campaigns and lead development and solution sales strategies acquired through 30 years’ experience in business and nonprofit development. He is passionate about aligning small business advocacy organizations that facilitate community development.


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  • Ervin Murfree

    Founder & CEO

    The founder of Consulting WP, he has been the captain of this ship from the beginning and has sailed...

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More than 25 Years
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Elusmod Tempor

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Sed do Eismod

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Duis Ipsum

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Strategy Development

Good strategy is the antidote to competition. Strategic thinking is the process of developing a strategy that defines your value proposition and your unique value chain. This process includes market and competitive research as well as an assessment of the company’s capabilities and the industry forces impacting it.

Good strategy is the antidote to competition. Strategic thinking is the process of developing a strategy that defines your value proposition and your unique value chain. This process includes market and competitive research as well as an assessment of the company’s capabilities and the industry forces impacting it.

Good strategy is the antidote to competition. Strategic thinking is the process of developing a strategy that defines your value proposition and your unique value chain. This process includes market and competitive research as well as an assessment of the company’s capabilities and the industry forces impacting it.

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